Monday September 2, 2024 the Times Change office will be closed for the Labour Day

Haley was born in Toronto nearly five decades ago, and raised in the suburbs. She completed one year of university, worked at a number of sales-related careers and raised a son, partly as a single mother. She received Second Career funding to become a Law Clerk at the end of 2005.

“The staff are very organized and friendly. There is an energy that comes from the counsellors and the participants.”

Here’s what brought Haley to Times Change…

It has not been easy finding a job as a Law Clerk, since my graduation with Honours, partly due to some physical barriers to employment. The Employment Centres near my house do not have the latest software versions, and didn’t offer any educational options (e.g., guidance and tutorials). They are often also noisy places where it is difficult to concentrate and resources are scarce (e.g., paper, computers). Then I found Times Change.

What services have you used at Times Change and how have they helped?

I participated in a resume/job search workshop over one week, and I utilized the job search tools, computer bank, and Microsoft tutorials, which have helped me to update my skills to more modern software versions. I am continuing to use the tutorials at my own pace, to gain confidence to inform employers that I am familiar with the latest versions and features.

What would you be doing if you hadn’t come to Times Change?

Being a long-term recipient of social assistance, it is just nice to have a ‘change of scene’ and to refresh my networking opportunities as well as to consult with staff members who are experienced in seeking out or creating employment opportunities for women, some of whom may be in transition. Just to be around people who seem to have faith that my search for a job will end with success has been helpful for me in my quest for a new career. Without this updated training, I would probably not have the option of capitalizing on my Law Clerk Diploma through a career position. With this training, my options are still open.

In your opinion, what makes Times Change special?

When you come to Times Change, the staff are very organized and friendly. There is an energy that comes from the staff and the participants. I am very grateful that Times Change‘s resources are the most up-to-date available to me. The reason I chose Times Change in the first place is because it is a woman-centred organization, which makes me feel comfortable and among peers, and has made me feel that I have positive things to contribute to my next employment position.

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